The Impact of Clean Slate Laws on Employment Screening: What Employers Need to Know
As the landscape of criminal justice reform continues to evolve, clean slate laws are leading the charge in reshaping hiring practices across the US. With over 70 million Americans carrying a criminal record, these laws are designed to make it easier for individuals to reintegrate into society by automatically sealing or expunging certain criminal records. For employers, this shift presents both opportunities and challenges when it comes to employment screening. As new laws come into effect in 2025, it’s crucial to understand how to navigate the changes and stay compliant.
Michigan Clean Slate: A New Opportunity for Expungement
According to the Michigan State Police, there are about 6.5 million people in Michigan who have a criminal record
Marijuana - Go or No-Go in friendly states?
I live in a marijuana-friendly state. Do I have to allow employees to use and possess marijuana at work?
Background Checks